About Vivid Nutripharm

We are High Quality Health
Supplement Manufacturers

Increasing stress, sedentary life style, changing food habits & modernization significantly affected life longitivity making a majority of people susceptible to lifestyle diseases. The unprecented emergence of pandemics has shown us the importance of preventive healthcare like never before. Our motto is “Ensuring Wellness before Illness” by developing safe, efficient fine blended functional foods that can address a vast majority of lifestyle and micro-nutrient deficiency problems.

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In developed world, chronic and age-related diseases have turned into major causes of death. These kinds of foods, which can protect or delay the onset of diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular and Obesity diseases became a necessity rather than luxury. Neutraceutical products offers you fine blended natural foods in concentrated forms, which helps you keep any sort of illness at bay without side effects unlike Pharmaceuticals.

Neutraceuticals help you maintain the Micronutrient balance and promotes healthy life style. Micronutrient deficiency sometimes also called "Hidden Hunger" is a common condition that makes ~1/3 of global population predisposed to many diseases. Fine blended Neutraceutical formulations can supplement these essential micronutrients and increase your life longevity by reducing pre-disposition to diseases arising from micronutrient deficiency.

Neutraceuticals are not therapeutics and can’t be used for treatment of diseases. But Neutraceuticals are functional foods that reduce susceptibility to diseases and promotes over all wellness and life longevity by providing balanced nutritional formulas for long term health benefits.

Our product line provides supplements contributing to advanced human nutrition and wellness in functional and healthy foods category. With our very rich product knowledge, we are able to leverage the manufacturing technology platform for bringing in the best products to the market adhering to the most stringent quality norms.