Wellness Products FAQ's

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding most asked questions to this page.

In developed world, chronic and age-related diseases have turned into major causes of death. These kinds of foods, which can protect or delay the onset of diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular and Obesity diseases became a necessity rather than luxury. Neutraceutical products offers you fine blended natural foods in concentrated forms, which helps you keep any sort of illness at bay without side effects unlike Pharmaceuticals.

Neutraceuticals help you maintain the Micronutrient balance and promotes healthy life style. Micronutrient deficiency sometimes also called "Hidden Hunger" is a common condition that makes ~1/3 of global population predisposed to many diseases. Fine blended Neutraceutical formulations can supplement these essential micronutrients and increase your life longevity by reducing pre-disposition to diseases arising from micronutrient deficiency.

Neutraceuticals are not therapeutics and can’t be used for treatment of diseases. But Neutraceuticals are functional foods that reduce susceptibility to diseases and promotes over all wellness and life longevity by providing balanced nutritional formulas for long term health benefits.

Our product line provides supplements contributing to advanced human nutrition and wellness in functional and healthy foods category. With our very rich product knowledge, we are able to leverage the manufacturing technology platform for bringing in the best products to the market adhering to the most stringent quality norms.

Healthcare Products FAQ's

Complementary medicine is used along with standard medical treatment, but is not considered by itself to be standard treatment.

Many complementary therapies are generally given to potentiate Allopathic therapies. They are intended to compliment you with additional benefits that your Allopathic medicines cannot provide making the treatment process comprehensive.

Cordyceps is an Ascomycota mushroom that grows naturally in higher altitudes of Himalayas around Tibetan plateau. Cordyceps is used as a medicine from about 5000 years in Tibet region for treating various medical ailments and is considered truly prized medicine. In India, it is grown in some regions of Arunachal Pradesh and is used by folk medicine practitioners from centuries. For detailed info, please see the link below


In Cordyceps, there occurs a wide range of nutritionally important components including various types of Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins like B1, B2, B12 and K, different kinds of Carbohydrates such as Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides and various medicinally important Polysaccharides, Proteins, Sterols, Nucleosides that has tremendous therapeutic potential.

Cordyceps is truly a prized traditional Chinese medicine. It is listed in Chinese Pharmacopeia and is a prescription medicine for treating 22 medical ailments. Health benefits of Cordyceps are well proven and documented scientifically and clinically.

Cordyceps is often referred as "Emperor's" food due to vast majority of benefits it can offer as wellness and Therapeutic product. Few well proven health benefits of Cordyceps are like Anti-aging, Stamina boosting, Relieving Daily Faigue, Immunity boosting, Rich in Anti- cancerous properties, Relives CKD symptoms, Heart protective, Cholesterol lowering effect, Balancing blood sugar etc.